Thursday, October 18, 2012


If talking about cutting part of your liver out was something everyone did then this blog would be boring!
Here is the CT that shows the shaded grey spot on my liver that turned out to be cancer. I met with the Liver Surgeon today and he actually put me at ease. I mean, as much at ease as anyone can who is talking about cutting out your liver like it was something he does every day. I kind of think he does it was no big deal to him. Actually...he told me on a scale of 1-10 for difficulty this would be a 3 and that he would treat it like a 10 (as he said he treats all his surgeries). I loved that! He definitely won me over. I went in there not liking him from the start. I mean...who really is good enough to cut you open and save your life? I'm glad I didn't have to choose that... and God was really looking out for me when he brought Dr. T and I together that winter day in January of 2011. Dr. T saved my life...and I'm really praying this surgeon does too! Today was different...I have the opportunity to plan this surgery and choose a surgeon. I will continue to pray about it. I do believe that this will be my surgeon. The surgery is only planned to take 1 1/2 hours and I should only be in the hospital 3-5 days...and I promised him I would be out by day 3. I came home from my consult with the liver surgeon to this:
What a fabulous surprise! Made my day! Enjoy your evening and drink a glass of beer or wine for me...I'm going to have to pass since I'm trying to save my liver! Love you all!

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