Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the end is near...

I had an appointment today for lab work...MY LABS WERE GREAT!!! This is a first. I was so happy...not only were my labs good, but I turned in my chemo pump today! YES! That felt good. Today would have been chemo treatment #5. Thank God I didn't have to take it. Currently I am dealing with sores on my body from the chemo. I have them on my arms, upper back and chest. Today the Nurse Practitioner told me this was a common side effect. I tell you...that Chemo is some bad ju ju!

I was talking to a pharmacist at work and told him how I thought that chemo was the devil. He said at an oncologist conference he was at, one of the oncologist said that if it wasnt' for their license, they could be charged with murder or poisoning because that chemo is so nasty. I believe that! It sucks.

I am still dealing with not feeling like myself. I was told it would take months for that to happen. Of course in about a month I will probably be getting my surgery and then I'm right back to square one...at least this should be it! Let us hope!!!

My posts probably won't be as frequent, as I will try to soak up and enjoy as much time with my almost 2 year old as I can. I know when I have surgery I won't be able to do much with her at all for about 3 weeks. I don't look forward to that.

~I smiled today because instead of cooking, I talked my husband into ordering pizza!

~I smiled today because it was a beautiful day...storms and all!

~I smiled today because life is so good!

Today was a good day...tomorrow will be so much better!!!


  1. Those "tomorrows" are getting better and better, aren't they???? Yay!!! Lots of hugs coming your way!

  2. Hey, another post that made me SMILE!! Although, I can't relate to the smiling about getting to order pizza instead of cooking dinner...yeah, you know this girl over here don't cook! LOL! ;)
