Thursday, April 14, 2011

it's a miracle!

I've been walking around all day short of breath. REALLY short of the point that I know my body and know something is terribly wrong. I'm not a complainer and I NEVER go to the doctor...or I should say I NEVER DID until I was diagnosed with this friggen crap. I went in today to the cancer center for another shot of neupogen. They were just going to give it to me...that is until I mentioned I was short of breath. They drew some STAT labs and took me to the infusion room to hang out and wait. The oncology nurses gathered around me...I think I'm one of their favorite patients! :) (at least I would like to believe that!) They all knew I was not doing chemo anymore and they were thrilled for me. They felt bad that I had to go through so much stuff before we cut the chemo...and they also felt bad they wouldn't be seeing me as frequently! (that made me feel good) I will miss them.... I will not miss the infusion room though. I will not miss the chemo! I will not miss the cancer center. Can you tell I hate chemo! stat labs came back and the nurse practitioner came in to see me. I do love her...even if she doesn't listen very well and only likes to "bless my heart"! She told me she believed I was either getting bronchitis or pneumonia and the neupogen was attacking it in my lungs causing inflammation which was causing the shortness of breath! Thank God! I thought I was just severely out of shape! :)

The good thing is my labs are incredibly good! It is a miracle! My WBC is up to 4.19 overnight and my neutrophils are a soaring 2.48!!! I am a miracle child! God has blessed me! Even though the neupogen hurt like the dickens and caused me crippeling bone pain (which has now subsided to merely a pain in my rear) did it's job! This time I am so glad my body reacts so well to medications...I am ok now to go into Charly's birthday party without the fear of getting sick! Although I am exhausted and worn out...Saturday's party WILL go on and be so much fun!

On another good note...My surgeon called me today! I WILL GET MY SURGERY SOON! Hopefully in a month! I'm not expecting to get it before then. I will need some time off of the chemo and my blood to return to as normal as possible! I am thrilled.

Life is good.

I smiled today because my mom got to meet one of my lifesavers...Cindy! :)

I smiled today because even though my child peed on the couch and the floor...I am still blessed to have a child! :)

I smiled today because I get to go home this weekend for a birthday party... for MY child!

I smiled today because it was beautiful out!

I smiled today because life IS good...even with a cancer diagnosis!

Today was a terrific day...tomorrow will be even better!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for being able to have your surgery SOON!!!! I KNOW you will go into sudden withdrawal without that appendage on your tummy!!! Don't worry, it won't last long!!! :)
