Sunday, April 24, 2011

I have been carried...

Happy Easter! I was blessed enough this past week to get to go on a date with my husband, then the next night to go on another date...a double date, with my husband and daughter and we met up with my sister and her friend Chris. We had a great dinner and then enjoyed some ice cream afterwards. It sure is nice to have my appetite back, but I seem to have gotten carried away. Then on the third evening, I got to go on yet ANOTHER date with my husband to church (minus Charly), and after church we got ice cream (yes again). Like I said... the eating has gotten out of control...I will work on that. :) But dang it feels good to get back to normal again. After my surgery I lost 23 lbs, and to date have gained! Not too bad. It would be nice if my next surgery causes some weight loss as well! :) That is one pro to the surgery...and the fact that I can eliminate the bag!!!!

Today we had an awesome Easter...
Charly spotting Easter Eggs outside...

This morning we looked for eggs, which Charly loved, and then got ready and headed out to the mall to wear out, I mean play. Who would have thought the dang mall was closed for instead we went to do the next best shopping! Charly was a perfect angel...praise GOD! Normally grocery shopping is a chore with her. She was even so good and cute, the check out girl gave her an Easter balloon! The best part about the trip, was the fact that I didn't have to worry about touching anything and getting sick. I feel like a new person.

This week I was suppose to meet with my surgeon, but I have had to push it back to May 3rd... so look for that post in the future! :) I am so excited about the surgery, and scared at the same time. I mean...there's not much worse than being gutted...and then having to recover! I still vividly recall how painful it was...

Anyway... on this Easter day, I just wanted to share with everyone, how I have survived up to this point. It is very simple...I am a believer. I have been carried this entire way by my Savior. He has gotten me this far, and will continue to carry me till I am able to walk on my own again, and at that point, he will walk beside me! I thank the Lord every day for the blessings in my of them being my cancer diagnosis. It might be hard to understand how being diagnosed with cancer is a blessing, but if this cancer had not been found this early, my life in the future would have been devastating. He has watched over me! In church last night they sang the Rascall Flats song I posted. The words made me cry. He will never let me go!!!

~Today I smiled because we celebrate the fact that Jesus was risen from the dead! HE LIVES!!!

~Today I smiled during our Easter Egg hunt...I love being a mom, I love having a 2 year old...each day gets better!

~Today I smiled because my baby is almost 2!!!

~Today I smiled because grocery shopping was a breeze with Charly!

~Today I smiled because I made my husband happy by agreeing to let him buy a boat. (This is a big deal in Andrew's life!)

~Today I feels good to smile!

Today was a wonderful day...tomorrow will be just as great!

1 comment:

  1. I love your post Jen! Beautiful song and you're right...God will never let you go! You are so strong and positive and I am excited for your upcoming surgery for you as well! Although, the pain is not fun...maybe ice cream will help??:)
    Maybe when I'm in JC we can have a play date with our precious little girls too...that is one big thing we have in common...that and knowing Jesus as our Lord and Savior! Praying for you friend!
