Monday, July 11, 2011

The adventure begins...

Tomorrow morning bright and early, my mom and I will head to the airport to board a plane headed for Houston! I am terrified! I have no idea what they will find or what will be the outcome! I hope for the best...but have to expect the worst! I mean...I never would have imagined I would be in this is funny that way! The worst part about this trip, is my time away from my husband and ESPECIALLY my baby! I will die without her!!! :( Plus i have NO idea how long I will be away!!! Our return flight, is booked for a week away...lets hope we are able to get down there, get our business taken care of quickly and figure out the BEST way to eliminate this crap all together...and then get on the earliest flight home!!! I am going into this determined to finish this fight! Now, the best part about this that I am going with my mom!!! I am telling you...I have an amazing mom! She has been by my side since this fight began...and I am thankful for her!!! Please say a prayer for us!!!!

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