Friday, July 29, 2011

all aboard...

That is right...I need to get on this moving train! I can't believe we are moving next Wednesday! I am not getting done what I need to! I don't want to waste my good days on working hard at packing my house that so much to ask? Charly is having a great time...climbing on, in and around boxes...jumping from things and of course...making trains around the house with objects she is pretty cute! I FINALLY got a camera today...came home, used it...and HATE IT! I'm taking it back tomorrow and getting a different one. I have to document (in pictures) our move...since this will be our last (I hope)!

We never made it this week to the fair like I had planned. I had a great vision of taking Charly to the fair to see all the farm animals, ride the rides with her dad (since they make me sick), eating all kinds of "fair" food...but...that didn't happen. This heat has been HORRENDOUS! I stay indoors. I avoid the sun at all cost! I only get in the pool in the evening after the sun goes down...and I'm pretty sure I will continue to do this for the rest of my life! The chemo has caused my skin to become so sensitive to the sun it is crazy! I blister up in a matter of minutes....and so...I avoid it! (I never could get tan anyway...why even try now!)

I actually went to work a full week! I was so proud of myself! It exhausted me, but I did it! I came home in the evenings and pretty much crashed...which is why I haven't been packing much! (If you follow me on Facebook, you will also see that I have sold and gotten rid of more stuff than I have I am doing my part at least!) The week was good. It made me plow through my exhaustion, my headaches, my nausea and dizziness. I am thankful I have a job (even if it is for a little while)!My company has been good to me...actually GREAT to me! I am going to be coming to Jefferson City on my good weeks and working 3 days a week until they either hire someone to fill my position or I am physically not able to do it anymore (I'm hoping I don't get to that point!).

The girls at work have really worked hard at putting the benefit for me together on the 6th of August. I am so worried I will be sick and unable to attend. I just know this next week is going to kill me with moving and chemo the way it is already, and then to drive back for the benefit may just be too much. Please pray that I feel well enough to make it, because I really want to show up and have a great time! There is also a benefit my friend Jackie has put together for me on August 1st at the Pizza Hut (by the mall). I will be able to attend that one, as I don't have Chemo till the next day! So...if you are in the area and can't decide what to have for dinner Monday night...come grab a pizza! :) It amazes me the kindness everyone has shown! I am so thankful! I do want to say, that if anyone did order a shirt from Nicole for the benefit on August 6th, please pay her the 10.00 for the shirt! She has done a great job with helping to put the benefit together and keeping track of the shirt orders, etc! Thank you in advance if you did order one, donated to the benefit, the benefit account, or will attend!

Ok...I'd better get off and go pack a little! Keep me in your thoughts! Not only do I have Cancer...and have Chemo this week...but I AM MOVING!!!!! YUCK!!!!! I'm just ready to be in my new house, with my family near!

Have a great weekend!!! Happy Friday!

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