Sunday, July 31, 2011

weekend news...

I pulled out all my medication bottles yesterday while I was packing up the kitchen. I didn't realize I had 9 bottles of medications prescribed to me, not including chemo! NINE!!! These bottles of medications are a life saver to me during my chemo week. They don't help me fight cancer...they help me fight the chemo! All the medications I take, are to help me with the symptoms I get from the chemo! 3 medication bottles for nausea, 2 for diarrhea, 2 for constipation, 1 for mouth/throat/stomach sores, and 1 steroid...all to help me get through a rough week! I tend to panic when they start to run low on pills, but after a review of them yesterday, I should be set for the next treatment.

I spent yesterday working hard with Andrew! We dropped Charly off in the morning with our friends who were kind enough to watch her for the day, and we headed to the house to get busy packing! I have to do get a lot more done without a 2 year old hanging around! When we dropped her off she was a full fledged KC Chiefs fan and KU Jayhawk fan and when we picked her up they had transformed her into a RAM loving MU fan! I do not feel that it has traumatized her yet!



When she got back to the house she walked in and the first words out of her mouth were "Oh My Goodness"!!! This move has not been hard on her yet, but I am anticipating it may be? I know leaving her friends and babysitter will be heartbreaking! I think I am going to have a hard time with it!

I have two good days left of feeling human! Although I have more packing to do with Andrew today, we are not going to push it like we did yesterday, and have a bit more relaxing Sunday. Next week is going to be crazy for us, and hard on me...and we enjoy! I'm planning on taking in some swimming, maybe taking her to the bridge to walk (we love that), going to the bounce house this afternoon to wear her out, and a nice dinner at home, courtesy of our awesome friends with amazing bbq-ing skills....RIBS are on the menu for tonight! Today is going to be a great day! last good day till round 2 of the benefit at Pizza Hut my friend has put together! We are looking forward to that!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! MU! Yes! Rams! She looks adorable either way. :)
