Friday, July 15, 2011

we're off...

well...the end of my adventure is near!! much of my trip went better than expected, and then some things did not go as planed! (one of which was my blog posting and picture taking! this post is being created on my blackberry...hence all the lower case letters (and probably spelling errors), so i appologize now! currently i am sitting at the airport with my mom..."aka travel buddy"...waiting to head back to kansas city! it will be so good to be home!!! i miss my family soooo much!!! i am a homebody! so...this morning started out early with a follow-up doctors appointment! even before i got back to see him, i was causing problems!!! my temperature was 99.3! normally not a big deal, and i blame most of that on the sunburn i got at the beach the day before, but in a cancer center... 99.3 can be a big deal! so...after they decided i was gonna live...i got back to see my doctor! he is very nice and very straight forward...i need that! my scans came back ok! no sign of metastasis to any other organs, but i did have a few enlarged lymph nodes they will keep an eye on! my cancer lab levels came back low, which is good!!! my followup is for four months, after my treatment is over! at that appointment we will do more scans to compare, more labs, meet with a geneticist to determine my need for a hysterectomy and consult with the surgical department on whether or not to go back in and do more surgery!!! i am not a fan of that!!! i do feel like i made a great decision to come here and will be in great hands!!! i am sorry for the lack of posts and absence of photos!!! it didn't help to drop the camera in the gulf! life goes on!

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