Monday, July 18, 2011

Round 2...

Well...I'm home! Settled in again. The trip was amazing! We stayed in a beautiful home (Thank you Christine and Jin), got to drive around the largest city ever...HOUSTON IS HUGE, and explore parts of the city I'm sure we would have never seen (that is how I describe our "lost" moments)!!! The trip was a success! M.D. Anderson truly is the best place to go for cancer treatment/options. I was in awe of the magnitude of the place, the kindness of the people...everything! We even got to enjoy some time on the beach and exploring Galveston! What a great place. I'm lucky I have a reason to go back! That is right...I already have my appointment in November (10th and 11th) for a follow up. I'm looking forward to getting my treatment started and over with to find out what they discover at that appointment...which is hopefully NOTHING! :)
Tomorrow I start the chemo again. Dr. R will see me in the morning. I will once again be lugging around a pump for 2 days every other week. I just pray (and ask everyone to pray) that my blood counts stay high enough for me to continue my treatments and that I don't encounter anything in the way that would postpone it. I just want it over. Although I do not want to go back on the chemo that basically almost killed me last time, I know that I need it, and I know that it is doing something if it is making me feel so bad! I just need it to kill the cancer before it kills me! :)
So...this leads me to my big news! About 3 weeks after I was home from the hospital, I told Andrew that I wanted to move home. I felt that it was time to be closer to our families. It took him about 2 seconds to agree and the decision was made! We went out to buy a sign Sunday morning to put in our front yard (FOR SALE BY OWNER), thinking it would take months. By Tuesday, our house was sold! While we were home the following weekend for the 4th of July holiday, we drove around town looking at homes for sale. The only one we agreed on, the one that is on the same street as my brother's and about a mile from my parents, was it! We called the realtor, and about 2 hours before we were leaving to head back to Jefferson City, we went and looked at the place. It was perfect. The only bad thing was that it had an investor that had put in an offer on the home. The home was only on the market a few days! Well, we actually ended up knowing the realtor, and one thing led to another, and by the following Tuesday...our offer was put in on the home and it was accepted! Things were moving along at an alarming speed. People just don't sell their home in 2 days...and then find the house that is just perfect for them the very next weekend...and GET IT! God is on our side! So...yes... we are moving. We close on both homes on August 4th.
Our plan...Andrew is still looking for a job and really wants to find a Government job, to keep our insurance the same (mostly) until he gets something, he will be in Jefferson City during the week and home on the weekends. Because I am going back on the chemo, and it makes me feel so crappy most of the time, will find a hard time finding a full time job right away. I am planning on staying in my position on a PRN basis every other week and coming back to Jefferson City with Andrew for those weeks that I am off chemo, then the week that I am on chemo I will be home, close to family, with my baby. While all three of us will be here every other week, a friend of Andrew's and dear friends of ours have offered for us to stay with them. We have also flirted with the idea of renting an appartment. We'll figure that out as we go...
Life for us has just completely changed! As I have said before...cancer has been somewhat of a blessing for me. It gave us the push to move back, closer to our family! The jobs will come! :) (but if anyone knows of any available jobs in the Kansas City/Leavenworth area...please do share!!!)
I do hate to leave my job. Today I told my boss and just bawled like a baby! I love what I do, I love the people I work with, and I hate that this has been forced on me. I also know that things happen for a reason, and I look forward to what the next chapter of my life holds. I am blessed that my company has been so great to me and that my bosses and friends have been so understanding. Thank you GOD!

Please say a prayer for me tomorrow, as I begin my chemo treatments again. I need to kill this crap and be on with my life. I have a baby that needs her mommy healthy!

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