Thursday, February 17, 2011

1 down...

One Chemo treatment down! I disconnected at noon today. I was a slave to that stupid pump for 46 hours. It was such a pain to walk around carrying that stupid thing, sleeping with that stupid thing, and of course...NOT BATHING! are the photos of my disconnecting experience. I would like to say it was first thing in the morning, which is why I look like I just got out of bed, but it was noon, and give me a break...I haven't showered in 46 hours!

Pump is at ZERO!!! Time to disconnect!

Flush with saline:

Flush with Heparin:

Loosening the tape:

Pulling the needle out:

The Huber needle...

So...for the first chemo treatment, I did well! I only had to take 2 anti-nausea medications, could definitely tell by the afternoon/evening that I had over done it, but that was all my fault. I feel great though! I went into Chemo with a slight cold, and came out 46 hours later with a raging cold/sinus infection and 2 bloody noses (not caused by the chemo). My favorite oncology nurse practitioner called in a Z-Pack for me. I will shortly be back on the road to feeling great!

The weather outside is wonderful, and I am very much looking forward to the weekend.

Here is to the first chemo treatment down, and hopefully only 7 more to go!!!

~Today I smiled when I got to lay in bed with my daughter and watch Disney!

~Today I smiled when I called the nurse practitioner and she quickly called in a prescription for me (SO EASY!!!).

~Today I smiled when I stepped outside and the weather was GORGEOUS!!!

~Today I smiled because I disconnected my first chemo treatment and can finally be free and take a bath!

Today will be a great day, but tomorrow will be even better!


  1. I am so happy that #1 is over! The first is always the hardest! Stay strong Jen! Your wonderful, positive attitude and your tremendous support group will get you thru this! Remember, tomorrow will be better than today!!

  2. Thank you Cindy! Your words are so encouraging to me!

  3. Yay the first one is over and you still look amazing as always! The blog is awesome to read. Your positive attitude is so inspirational. We love you and hang in there!

  4. You are awesome, with everything your body is going through you still have that beautiful smile on your face. So happy that you have one less chemo to go through - keep your chin up and give Charly big kisses :-)

  5. Wow, you look so good. You are an amazing person and so brave! Thanks for sharing your journey.
