Sunday, February 20, 2011

more than a meal...

When someone brings over a meal for you when you are ill, it is more than a meal! Tonight we had a pleasant suprise and got a meal delivered to the house! This means I get to spend more time with my family, and less time using energy to make something. This means I can actually sit at the table with them and eat and not lay on the couch because I was too tired. I have to remind myself that I am still recovering from major surgery AND on chemo now. Doing things like I use to do, wear me down...BIG TIME. The chemo I took stays in my system 14 days... just enough time till it is time to get more. I blame it on the chemo.

Today was a good day. I felt good. I had a visit from my older brother, who has been so caring and concerned about me since this started. I have developed a new relationship with him. We talk, we cry, we laugh... it is good. It was great to see him today and spend some time with him, showing off my baby.

~I smiled today because I felt REALLY good.

~I smiled today because I got a meal delivered to the house and it was delicious!!! Thank you friend!

~I smiled today because I got to show off my baby to my brother and she made us laugh the entire time.

Today was a great day, and I can't wait for will be even better!


  1. Glad Sunday was a good day for you. You are so sweet and your little girl is so beautiful!
