Friday, February 18, 2011

that little devil

Chemo is evil. I found this out first hand. Yesterday after disconnecting the chemo, my mom (who has been here on and off for the last 3 1/2 weeks) left. I didn't blame here...I was feeling great, the weather was outstanding, and frankly, there is no place like home. Off she went. While I bid farewell to my mom, I began to welcome an unsuspecting guest.

I started to feel wierd. I wouldn't describe it as sick (yet), but something was definitely unusual about this feeling.

I kept telling myself...I couldn't be sick from the chemo...I had been doused in chemicals on Tuesday and for the last 46 hours this chemo has been infusing into my system...I wasn't sick then...why now?

The day went on...

Oh, around 4 I went to pick up my daughter, I might add this was the first time I have done it by myself since January 23rd. It felt good. I didn't.

We came home. I called my husband, who I had begged to go to urgent care to get something for his sinus infection. He did. I wished I hadn't begged him to go. I was down right SICK.

At one point my daughter was playing in her room, I was in the hallway bathroom with my head inside two grocery sacks (yes I have learned you need to double bag)...she came running out of her room in to see me and I told her to go back to her room and play and I would be there in a minute. She started to go back and was crying. She does this when she thinks she is in trouble. She wasn't. I was!

Finally Andrew came home. I spent the last part of the day sitting in the recliner or laying on the couch with my grocery sacks, water (that I was barely able to sip), and of course dealing with diarrhea. (Diarrhea and Colostomy bags are a story in itself...maybe for another post)

I was just ill!

So here it is a new day... tomorrow is behind me. I am feeling very warn out, but at least I don't have my head in a grocery sack. I wanted to try to make it to work today, but I don't think that is going to happen. I need to take care of myself. I can't get too exhausted.

The sun is shining. It is BEAUTIFUL outside, and it is FRIDAY!!!! Who wouldn't have a smile on their face about that.

I smiled today when I had 4 missed calls from my mom because I was sleeping on my phone and she was frantically trying to reach me. (I only smiled because she cared!)

I smiled today when I woke up and didn't feel sick! What a relief.

I smile today because it is a new day and one day closer to being done with this!

I smiled today when I got this from a friend:

Today is going to be a good day, but tomorrow will be even better. (I bet ya! :))


  1. You are such a strong woman!!! You WILL get thru this because you CANNOT let this beat you! You are in TOTAL CONTROL! You will have UP days, you will have DOWN days, but with each passing day you are that much closer to NO MORE CHEMO!!! I had to laugh out loud at your reference to diarrhea and the colostomy bag!!! It brought back memories that had been hidden deep in my brain!!
