Tuesday, June 7, 2011


The end of this long road is in sight. Tomorrow morning I will go into surgery at 7:30 am. This will be about a 6 hour surgery...so anytime between 6:15 (when I get to the hospital) and 1:30pm (when I will be getting out) would be the perfect time for you to say a prayer for me. I have been overwhelmed by the love, support and prayers that are pouring out for ME! I can't thank everyone enough!!!

So....today was a first for me! My first of many (I'm sure) colonoscopies!!! The prep was a little difficult considering I had an open faucet running into a very confined space, very quickly...but I got the hang of it pretty fast.

This morning I was just ready to get this part of the journey over with. If you haven't had a colonoscopy before, let me tell you...EASY PEASY!!!! The prep really is the hardest part.

The only inconvenience of the day was that my dang stoma was too small (even for a pediatric scope) and Dr. T had to slice it open...NO FUN! But, it's over, it's behind me, and tomorrow I will get my body back to itself!

Results of the Colonoscopy: CLEAR!!! CLEAN AS A WHISTLE...NOT A SINGLE POLYP TO BE FOUND! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Keep up those prayers for me...I'm hoping by the time I am home from the hospital I will know that my lymph nodes are clear and there isn't a TRACE of cancer in my body! (I know you aren't technically cancer free until you have been for 5 years, but I WILL CONSIDER MYSELF TO BE CANCER FREE!!!)

Thank you again and stay tuned for the big reveal! :)

Today was a good day (even having to get a colonoscopy), but tomorrow will be so much better!!! (FINALLY THE BAG WILL BE GONE!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Look at you, girl! Smiling away! Been thinking about you since you left work last week. I miss you and I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow! I'll send extra good thoughts around 1:30 PM, promise. :)
