Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 4 post op~

The big reveal...

Pretty aint it?

It is now day 4 post op...yesterday was a rough one. I got all kinds of bad news and besides dealing with day 3 post op pain, i started my period, so the tears were flowing NON STOP! Such is my luck!!!

I haven't counted my staples, but I know there are a bunch, too many for my stomach! I try to keep my binder on, which helps, but my stomach is so sore and swollen it just makes me miserable. Getting in and out of bed is a hassle...but one that I do often, now that I am not hooked up to the catheter. It was touch an go for awhile, as my bladder was not wanting to cooperate with me, but I think all is well there. Now If I could just talk my bowels into moving sometime soon, I would have peace of mind and get to go home! :) A little fart... A little turd...SOMETHING!

I have tried to walk as much as I can today...I think I have done about 8 laps, and it is only 3:15. I am so blessed that my parents and husband have been swapping shifts to be with me. It comforts me to know they are here. I hate the hospital! I am miserable....I just want to get home to my family, where I can rest and relax in comfort!

Today I was lucky enough to get a visit from Charly!!!! That always makes my day:

I have received flowers from so many friends and family members!!! A big shout out to Jim and Mary Thomas, Aundria Ashkar and family, Chris Finan, Andrew Koppen, Cliff and Patti Johnson, Josh and Amber Johnson and Family, Rebecca Barnes and family, CMS regional office! The flowers are beautiful!!! They make my room so warm and inviting! I can't thank you all enough for the cards, thoughts, flowers, gifts and love you have shown me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

The bad news I got yesterday I will have to go into more detail when I find out more, but when Dr. T did the surgery, he was only able to find 2 lymph nodes in the area to be evaluated. One of the lymph nodes was enlarged (bad sign #1). So, yesterday Dr. R (my oncologist) passed on the pathology report that in fact that one lymph node did have tumor cell involvement. This is not good. I have to go on chemo again because of this. What time and how long will be determined soon. Dr. R has consulted with a specialist from Mayo and Northwestern. We may go for a second opinion at MD Anderson for peace of mind...we'll see. Right now I am just trying to heal and take my time.

Thank you again.

Today I smiled when I got a visit from my daughter!

Today I smiled when I saw all the flowers I have received! I am loved.

Today I smiled that I might be able to go home tomorrow! Praise the LORD!!!


  1. Wow!! You are so awesome. I am so proud of you! Keep doing your thing- You are sure fighting like a girl! Kick cancer's arse, Jen!!!!

  2. I'm so sorry about the bad news. I know you can kick it though! Let me know when you're up to it and Michelle and I would love to come for a short visit sometime after work. :)
