Wednesday, June 22, 2011

a hug...

While I was in my home town recouping with my family around me, my spirits were lifted. I got a few good cries in, and picked myself up and have carried on, I mean...what else can you do? Before we headed back to my house 3 hours away, I wanted to stop in and visit with the one person who has given me words to cling to, prayers for strength and health, and of all things, love and understanding. Cindy!

Cindy was the office manager when I worked as a dental assistant in my past life! :) Before I grew up! Before I had responsibilities. Before I had a baby! Before I had Cancer! I was never close to Cindy...until now!

She has gone through a very similar operation, lived with the same bag (UGH), and had the understanding and wisdom to pass on to me the words that get me by each day!!!

"Tomorrow will be better than today"...and I need that to turn to some days. I have my faith and thank God that I have the strength, courage and understanding that with His help, I will beat this crappola and carry on. I will be stronger for it. I will be kinder for it. I will be the person I really want to be, because of cancer. But...the words...they get me through the tired, the pain, the hurt, the sadness, the depression! And...tomorrow is ALWAYS better!

Cindy, Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your love. Thank you for the HUG! Thank you for understanding. Thank you for the prayers. Thank you for the good thoughts and energy! Thank you for the encouragement! Thank you for the words...because without them, I'm not sure how I would mentally get through the tough days (and there have been some really tough days!). Thank you for your friendship and love! I am so blessed to have someone so special in my life.

I smiled today because I am home with my husband and daughter...

I smiled today because my mom and nephew are here visiting/helping me and we will have a great time!

I smiled today because I actually get to use the toilet now!!!

I smiled today because life is wonderful, and each day is precious, and tomorrow will be better!!!

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