Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The second funny...

If you thought the story of Andrew's explosive diarrhea was funny, or as he would put it, his colon cancer diagnosis, wait till you hear this one...

I can really recall three times that I laughed so hard it hurt while I was recovering. I'm not talking a little ouchie...A BIG OUCHIE!!! The first was the day Andrew (we'll just say his name for fun) and I found out we had colon cancer, and the second was the day I was showing James my incision and accidentally gave him a free peep show! The third is for another post!

James is my brother, for anyone that doesn't know. He is 30, and that means he is a grown man, and the bottom line here is that he should not get free peep shows from his sister.

This is the story of the crotch shot...

We were sitting in the living room...James on the couch, Andrew on the love seat and I was in the recliner (since the couch is off limits to me for the first week with how difficult it is to stand up out of it without an enormous amount of help). My parents had left to go home, so I'm thinking it was early in about week 2...they needed a break to go home and gather more clothes and take care of business, leaving James to help us out around the house. So...I'm not sure what the conversation was about, but I recall James wanting to get a good look at my incision and my ostomy. This is my brother who is a trained EMS worker, but will get queasy when he sees something semi bloody/gross. He's a deal, but I love him just the same. SO...I remember standing up from the recliner (which at that time was a huge accomplishment for me), and I also remember being pretty proud of my battle it is the largest scar I have ever seen on my body! So I went over to the edge of the couch where he was leaning forward to get a good look at my battle scars under the lamp light! As I pulled down my pants to show him, he had a look of sheer terror in his eyes, that was magnified by the lamp light. That is right. The one and ONLY day I decided not to wear underwear because it was rubbing on my incision and hurting, is the day my brother wanted a good look at my wounds....

You guessed it folks...he got the lovely crotch shot not 2 inches from his face! NOT COOL! He screamed, Andrew yelled for me to pull my pants back up and I couldn't stop laughing and CRYING!!! My poor brother got an eye full!

This next time around I will not go without undies! I have learned my lesson.

By the way folks...a week from today I will be under the knife again, which means weeks of healing for me, and a few blog posts with some great pictures! Stay tuned...


  1. I have to say this story made me laugh till I cried. You are a true inspiration. I bet James won't ask to see the next incision? LOL Hang in there we love you!

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, Henny, only you! Hopefully I can visit you at home, of course, after your surgery. Just don't flash me your cooch, okay? LOL! Thinking of you!
