Thursday, June 16, 2011

drain drain go away....

...and just like that it is gone!

Ok, it wasn't "just like that". Having a JP drain pulled from your abdominal cavity is no walk in the park...and if I never have to do it again, it will be too soon!

I would have to say...there isn't much fun in having a surgery...let alone a major surgery that guts you like a deer, but the drain is by far one of the worst parts of the entire process. I mean...they put you to sleep for all the horrible stuff, so you wake up and don't have to experience the cutting, gutting, sewing, tube shoving down your nose, suturing up...blah blah blah! Then you are well on your way to recovery, and whamo...WHAMO...the drain has to be removed. Now, I thought about it long and hard. Last time...the drain was removed in the hospital before I came home. I had never experience having a drain yanked from my pelvis before, so I didn't know what to expect...this time...well...this time was different. I woke up with the drain and immediately thought...SHIT, and have dreaded having it removed since I woke up! Then I left the hospital with the drain (this was new to me). During the last 2-3 days I imagined that getting the drain pulled wouldn't be as bad as last time, I mean...maybe it had kinda "toughened up" being in there a little longer. I even actually considered removing the drain myself...I decided against it though. So, 11:00 am, I hobbled into Dr. T's office to have the drain removed. And, just like last time...It KILLED like a Son of a B! It felt like the drain was a mile long, as big around as a coke can, and when she pulled it out it felt like the end of it was somewhere buried deep inside my gut. I am DONE! I have had enough cutting, pulling, tugging, suturing, stapling, and drains sticking out of me to last me the rest of my life. PHEW. At least it is over!

So...on a good note...I did manage to make 2 appointments today. One to get my million staples removed and the other a follow up with my oncologist. I also got all my records since this horrible journey to send to M.D. Anderson, which will be faxed tomorrow in order to set up my appointment. I am not looking forward to having to go to a hospital so people can prod, poke, scan, evaluate, test, (etc) me and talk about the cancer I have...but I am excited to go to the best and find an end in site, plus making it into some sort of a vacation will at least make it tolerable.

Life is so precious. Life is so fun. Life is great. Cancer isn't going to ruin it for me!

~I smiled today when the drain was FINALLY out!
~I smiled today because I got out of the house for a little while and got to see some friends!
~I smiled today when I shared an ice cream with my baby girl!

Today was a great day (I just knew it would be) and tomorrow will be even better!

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