Friday, June 24, 2011

a sense of normalcy...

Although I have loved spending time with my family (particularly my mom) and enjoyed having them take care of me and my is time! Time to return to some sense of normalcy. Believe me...having cancer is NOT normal, and I will never get use to fighting this battle...but things today have returned to some sense of normalcy. My mom left yesterday and we are now alone...we are now settling into our roles again. This has been a long road, which started in January. It seems like just yesterday, and then again it seems like years. I am not over this fight and in a sense, I am gathering my second wind for what is to come. I am more than happy to return to the way things were...

Today I drove for the first time and took my daughter to daycare by myself...for the first time since my surgery. It felt good.

I am looking forward to spending this weekend enjoying my family and savoring each second of each minute of each day. I soak up the hugs and kisses I get from my baby girl and my husband. I am blessed. I love my life.

I love my life...isn't that weird? Is that weird that today...almost 5 months later, after having gone through 2 surgeries and chemo and STILL having cancer...I love my life? I am happy. I am blessed. I am loved. I am a fighter!

Monday I look forward to finding out the exact dates for my appointments in Houston, TX and going to M.D. Anderson for a second opinion. I am bringing in the big dogs! That's how I roll! :)

Enjoy your weekend and your normal, boring routines...they really are wonderful! I always hated that saying..."you don't know what you have till you loose it"...but it couldn't be farther from the truth!

~I smiled today...

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