Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A week ago today...

A week ago today... is this deja vu? I've had a post already titled this.

A week ago today I had surgery. I am thankful that I was able to get my bag removed! I was thankful that I have an amazing surgeon that put me back together in one piece (Thanks Dr. T!!!), even though I wouldn't have given him any other choice! I am thankful to be out of the hospital now and recovering.

I went home this time with a drain. Again...I am a nurse, and I don't mind seeing staples and sutures and blood and goo and tubes and fluids and long as they are on someone else! I CAN'T stand the fact that I have staples in my stomach and a drain STICKING OUT OF MY GUT! It almost makes me nauseous. Sometimes I wonder how anyone could make it through that surgery (yes, I really am a baby), and then I think, what crazy effin person would do TWO of those surgeries!!! All I know...whatever wrong I have done in my life...I have been punished ENOUGH! Now I'm sure the rest of my life should or could be smooth sailing!

Doesn't work like that though...

Things are tough, but I am moving forward and looking forward to a life filled without poop bags, and CHEMO FREE!!!! Remember... I have a 2 year old to chase around!

I am in the process of gathering together my medical information/papers/tests/scans/notes, etc to forward to M.D. Anderson in Houston, TX for a second opinion/treatment options. I'm really wanting to get this shit out of my body for good, and to do that...I'm bringing in the big dogs! (Even though I'm pretty sure Dr. T has already taken care of my cancer for me by removing it!)

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