Monday, June 20, 2011

a much better place...

12 days post op...a much better place to be! I am actually starting to feel more human and get around pretty well. I don't sleep well and still can not lift ANYTHING over about 5 lbs, but life is good and things are going great.

I focus on the best of the day and don't dwell on the worst.

I hate having to have someone help me with my child, but because of it, she has had a blast. All this attention has turned to her and she is loving it. Last Friday we decided to hitch a ride for a change of scenery and head to my parents house for the weekend. It was a great chance for us to get away, a little easier on them so that they could be at home and get stuff done they needed too, and it has given Charly the best summer vacation ever!!! I have 12 nephews and she has had a great time with the "boys", her uncle James and her grandparents, who have all doted on her! I have also had a much better time recouping and have enjoyed the time with my family. Andrew has also been given some time to get stuff done around the house and forget for a little while that I am useless to him.

I am getting around better, my spirits are up, and I actually look like me! Three days after I was home from the hospital, my brother James came to help us out, and I found out yesterday that when he saw me he didn't recognize me...that is how bad I felt and looked. Of course nobody should go for about 7-10 days without eating, as it DOES take a toll on you! :)

So...enjoy your day, because I will!

Today was a great day...and every day after gets easier and better!

p.s. when I hear from M.D. Anderson I will be sure to update with details!

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