Thursday, June 30, 2011

Made for who???

A few posts back I talked about two funny stories from my first surgery that about split my gut right back open! I mentioned there was a third...
I was home from the hospital, feeling kinda crappy...I've seen the doesn't feel that great. I think I had only been home a day or two. We were sitting in the living room one evening, my mom, dad, brother and husband. I noticed my dad's pants looked a little different. Not bad...just different. So I asked him..."Dad, are those new pants". He asked "Yes, do you like them"...and then my brother and mom started giggling....I knew something was up from the look on their faces.
They preceded to tell me that my dad had found the pants on FREECYCLE.COM (a website where you get free stuff). He had arranged with the "seller" or "giver" where to go pick them up. After getting directions, he sent my brother on his way to go get them.
My brother proceeded to tell me, that when he pulled up to the house (located in the ghetto in KC) the pants where hanging from a tree in a grocery sack. My brother (although he thought this was the stupidest thing EVER), ran over...grabbed the bag and scurried back to the car before he got shot... (just kidding)...but probably kind of looked like an amateur drug deal (gone terribly wrong..I mean, who would hang the goods in a grocery sack, in a tree, in FRONT of the house)...
When he got home, he gave the bag to my dad who opened it up and found his lovely pants in there...the free ones!!! I mean... don't they say that "nothing worth having in life is free"...or something like that?
Now most of this story I heard while I was still recovering from anesthesia and still in pain, and also...probably imagined how some of the story went down...I wasn't there you know. make a long story short...after my dad informed me that he got his jeans off of and that he really like the way they fit and that he couldn't imagine someone giving away those perfectly good pants for brother proceeded to tell me that not only did those pants come from a bag, hanging in a tree, in front of a house...IN THE GHETTO...but...BUT, they were FUBU jeans! You know...jeans made "For Us, By Us"...and by us, I don't mean 60 year old white men!
I'm telling you...when I found out my dad was wearing FUBU jeans... I just about split my seam! We laughed so hard at that! By the way... I love my dad dearly, but he really is a dork sometimes!

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