Thursday, June 23, 2011

staple remover...

Round 2 of staple removing...ding ding ding...the bell sounds...and we're off! I mean they are off...of my body that is! Thank you to Dr. T's nurse Brian...he again did a wonderful job of removing my staples and sutures and taking care of me! The trip to get them out today was definitely a memorable one...I took along my mom and nephew that have been visiting(forgot my camera...and dang I wish I hadn't!).

We waited in the waiting room till I was called back, they were going to stay till Brian invited them back...WRONG THING TO DO!!! Jacob, my 9 year old nephew, followed my mom and I back to the room where they nestled in chairs as I was up on the patient seat about to expose my not so georgous belly laced with 500+ staples (ok, not really that many, but there were a bunch). Jacob tried to keep himself busy with the Nintendo DS he brought with him. Somewhere along the road he must have peeked a time or two as I was getting them removed...and that did it for him! He politely asked my mom to use the restroom, where he proceeded to loose his breakfast while hugging the toilet! Poor little guy! I continued to get my staples out while listening to the sounds of poor little Jacob vomitting! I think it was just a little too much for him! Definitely made an impression...they won't forget me at that office! :)

So...I'm done! No more staples, no more drains, no more tubes, NO MORE SURGERIES!!! (let's hope!!!) It has been a ride...and one I won't forget...and also one I could have done without! Now on to the next leg in our journey...M.D.Anderson!

I recieved a call yesterday, confirming the fact that I sent everything and they are just waiting on a release from my surgeon saying I am ok to travel. The tenative appointment dates are set for July 11-13. This pushed my time off work back a week, but this is something I definitely HAVE to do! I want the second opinion...I want to get on something that is going to kick this cancers arse once and for all!!! Let's do this!!!

I have to say...this surgery was a lot tougher on me than the last. It took me longer to recoup and maybe I am just being extra careful, but I am giving myself enough time to get back to normal...and I am getting there! I am so blessed to have a wonderful support system and family that has been there since they first got the phone call in the middle of the night that I was headed into surgery on January 23rd (a day I will NEVER forget). My mom has stuck by my side and spent hours, days and weeks taking care of me (and my family!). Thanks mom! You are the very best. I'm sorry it took getting cancer to realize how very blessed I am and what an amazing family I really do have!

Today has been a great day...I look forward to what tomorrow brings!

~I smiled today (and laughed a little), when Jacob vomitted from watching me get my staples out! OMG! HILLARIOUS!

~I smiled today because I was released to go swimming (after the steri strips fall off)...having a pool just calling my name in the back yard has been a little tourtourous!!!

~I smiled today because my surgeon asked if I was going to be wearing a one piece or 2 piece swim suit (because he was concerned about me covering my scar to prevent sun exposure, aka: SKIN CANCER)... A 2 piece...really...hasn't he seen that georgous belly of mine! :)

~I smiled today because I had a great time hanging out with my mom and nephew!

~I smiled today because things at my house are now getting back to normal...and it feels great!

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